Bureau of Land Management

While road bikers can primarily be seen on State Route 159 and the 13-Mile Scenic Drive, Red Rock Canyon also offers exciting opportunities for mountain biking as well.

Bicycles are allowed on designated paved and unpaved roads and on trails designated for mountain bike use.

However, bikes are not permitted on any trails off of the 13-Mile Scenic Drive nor in designated wilderness areas. The trails can be accessed from two main trailhead and parking areas utilized by mountain bike riders:

  • Cottonwood/Late Night Trailheads off of State Route 160, approximately four miles west of the State Routes 159/160 intersections (Cottonwood Valley Trails System)
  • Mile maker 12 on Kyle Canyon Road/State Route 157 (Twilight Zone Trails)

To make your trail riding experience more memorable, please follow these guidelines:

  • Yield the right of way to other non-motorized recreationists. Move off the trail to allow horses to pass and stop to allow hikers adequate room to share the trail.
  • Slow down and use caution when approaching another and make your presence known well in advance. Simply yelling “bicycle” is not acceptable.
  • Maintain control of your speed at all times and approach turns with anticipation of someone around the bend. Be able to stop safely within the distance you can see down the trail.
  • Stay on designated trails to avoid trampling native vegetation, and minimize potential erosion by not using wet or muddy trails or shortcutting switchbacks.
  • Avoid wheel lockup. If a trail is steep enough to require locking wheels and skidding, dismount and walk your bike. Locking brakes contributes to needless trail damage.
  • Ride directly over water bars or dismount and walk your bike. They are placed to direct water off the trail and prevent erosion.
  • Respect public and private property, including trail use signs, no trespassing signs, and leave gates as you found them. If your route crosses private property, it is your responsibility to obtain permission from the landowner.
  • Do not disturb wildlife or livestock.
  • Do not litter. Pack out what you pack in and carry out more than your share whenever possible.
  • Always be self sufficient. Your destination and travel speed will be determined by your ability, your equipment, the terrain, and the present and potential weather conditions.
  • Do not travel solo in remote areas. Leave word of your destination and when you plan to return.
  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Ride only on roadways, trails, and slick rock. The desert crust (microbiotic crust) is fragile and takes up to 50 years to recover from footprints, waffle tracks, etc.
  • Toilets in unimproved areas — move off trail, and dig a one foot deep pit, cover after use.