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Don’t let the name Children’s Discovery Trail lull you into thinking this is a trail meant only for kids. This is one of the most diverse trails in Red Rock Canyon and lets the hiker see some very different things.

From the parking area, take the trail that is farthest from the bathrooms. This will give you a nice loop of about 3/4 of a mile. There will be some uneven ground and you will hike over some good-sized rocks. The trail ascends gently until you get near the base of the cliffs. It then twists back and forth through some scrub oak and there are some rock steps.

On the way, at marker #4, there is a fenced area. If you look on the upper left side of the sandstone, you may be able to see the pictographs left by Native Americans. Depending on the light, they can be difficult to find.

From here, the trail winds near some large sandstone boulders. Eventually, you come to a place
where the trail turns left to go back to the parking lot. You can also turn right and go to the grotto. The grotto is the area where the seasonal waterfall is located. The trail here is easy to follow.

There is a series of rock steps. Be careful with these. With the fine sand that erodes from the sandstone cliffs, the steps can be very slippery. Eventually, you’ll make your way into the grotto.

It’s a cool spot to have a snack, and it is special when we’ve had rain or snow melt and
there is some water coming down the falls.

Retrace your steps to the turnoff you took, stay to the right and head back to your car. On the
way, you’ll come to the boardwalk that was built by Friends of Red Rock Canyon to protect the riparian nature of Lost Creek. There’s an interpretive marker that’s a must read and you can see Lost Creek.

Why is it Lost Creek?

For a short distance, this underground stream comes above ground. It then disappears again—hence Lost Creek.

After the boardwalk area, you’ll soon be crossing the gravel wash and you’ll be back at the
parking area.

This is a relatively easy hike but understand that all hikes in Red Rock Canyon cover ground that is
uneven and rocky. Hiking shoes/boots are highly recommended and make sure you have water with you.

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