Purchase tiles

Friends of Red Rock Canyon and the BLM are proud to offer a special opportunity to place a natural sandstone tile in our Dedication Walkway.  The Walkway is located in the Picnic Plaza by the Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center.

Each 12” x 12” tile can be engraved with up to six lines of text, with 12 (letters, numbers, or spaces) per line.  Tiles have a two-year warranty from date of installation.

The minimum donation to have a tile placed in the walkway is $400 and is tax deductible as allowable by law. You can support Friends of Red Rock Canyon and save $50 on the regular tile donation by joining Friends today.  All proceeds will be used for the preservation of Red Rock Canyon.

Ordering process to pay by credit card:

  1. Complete the Dedication Walkway Tile Order Form and email it to info@friendsredrock.org.
  2. Complete the donation using our Donate feature on this page. Select “Purchase Dedication Walkway Tile” in the Designation field and enter at minimum $400 (or $350 for Friends of Red Rock members) in the Custom Amount.

Ordering process to pay by check:

  1. Complete the Dedication Walkway Tile Order Form.
  2. Mail the completed form with your check to the address on the form.

We will confirm tile orders, secure approval for your tile proof, and notify you when your tile has been installed using the email address you provide on your order form.

Note, we have two tile installations per year, just before Memorial Day and Veterans Day.  March 15th is the deadline to be included in the spring installation, and September 15th is the deadline to be included in the fall installation.